What is Kaddish?
Kaddish is a sacred Jewish prayer said to honor the passing of a loved one. The ritual of the Kaddish prayer has been a cornerstone of Judaism for centuries. Traditionally, Kaddish is recited immediately following the burial, three times daily for eleven months in the context of a formal service, and thereafter each year on the Yartzheit (anniversary of passing).
Why say Kaddish?
Kaddish is our way of comforting the souls of our loved ones. Kaddish has the unique power to elevate the soul of the departed from one spiritual world to the next, every time the Kaddish is recited. Kaddish is also a prayer of hope for better days to come when the sorrow will be lifted and the future will be bright once more.
Who will say Kaddish?
Ideally, Kaddish is said by the mourners in loving memory and as tribute to their loved ones. If one is unable to recite the Kaddish, then we at Memorial Kaddish will provide this important service for you. We have partnered with select scholars in Israel who will fulfill the sacred duty of reciting Kaddish on your behalf based on the program of your choosing.
What to expect?
Upon purchase of one of our programs, you will receive an email notifying you that your request has been received and Kaddish is being recited in accordance with your program.
Kaddish will begin immediately.
Every year, prior to your loved ones Yahrtzeit, an email reminder will be sent with the Hebrew date and corresponding English date of the upcoming Yahrtzeit.